

    Cleaning up his Dad’s mess

    Defeat Mundus

    Devil May Cry 3 - M11 boss战前CG,Dante最后一句话,原话是“A son cleaning up his dad’s mess, huh?”

    Looks like it’s your lucky day

    Complete a level without taking any damage

    Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M2 / Lucia’s disc M3 CG(2代台词本来就少得可怜……)

    Every hero has a weakness

    Complete Furnace of Souls without taking damage from the furnaoe

    Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M14 / Lucia’s disc M10 CG,Lucia问“Why did you save me? I was created... by him...”时Dante的回答

    It’s only the rain

    Kill 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride on Mission 1

    Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束,Dante从塔中走出来到废墟上遇到Lady之后的对话。Lady问“Are you crying?” Dante的回答

    A man with guts and honor

    Reach the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies

    Devil May Cry - M17 boss战前Dante对Nelo Angelo说的,后面还有一句“I like that! But it's a shame you serve Mundus.”

    ow my coat’s all charred

    avigate the Sky Bridge on Mission 16 without hitting the lasers

    Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战前Dante坐在Bariel尾巴上玩耍(?)一番之后的调侃

    Where does the time go?

    Complete a level with 2 minutes or less on the clock

    Devil May Cry 3 - M2结尾CG,Dante看着Temen-Ni-Gru的方向说的话,前一句是“It’s been nearly a year since we last met.”

    For Tony Redgrave

    Kill 50 enemies using nothing but firearms

    Devil May Cry官方小说中讲述双枪的来历时提到,制枪的老人将改造过的双枪送给当时还化名为Tony Redgrave的Dante,枪身上刻着“For Tony Redgrave”。在Devil May Cry 3官方设定图中也可以看到刻在双枪之Ebony枪身上的“For Tony Redgrave”字样

    In the name of my father

    Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons

    Devil May Cry - M15 boss战后CG,Dante最后一句台词,完整原句是“In the name of my father, I will kill Mundus!”

    You’ll never have her fire

    Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons

    Devil May Cry - M20 boss战后CG,Dante对于Trish的背叛表示愤怒和失望,完整原句是“You have the face you'll never have her fire!”(Dante你真的是恋母吗……)


    lay 100 Demons

    Devil May Cry 3出现2次。第一次出现在M5 boss战结束后,Dante获得新武器耍酷一番之后Rudra的称赞(但是马上就被Dante撞了头并且下令“No Talking!” XD),第二次出现在M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Arkham说的话

    ring it on!

    lay 1,000 Demons

    Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的话


    Gain a SSS Style Rank during combat


    It’s showtime. Come on!

    Earn 1,500 Style Bonuses

    Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战前CG,Dante最后一句台词(同样伴随着一个耍酷的动作)

    This is my kind of rain

    end 10,000 Red Orbs

    Devil May Cry 3 - M7 Lady从空中掉落被Dante抓住,Dante第一句话

    Absolutely crazy about it

    end 50,000 Red Orbs

    Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的最后一句话,完整是“I’m absolutely crazy about it!”

    Let’s rock, baby!

    Upgrade Dante’s health to maximum

    Devil May Cry,载入游戏后的提示信息(游戏含有暴力内容云云的那段话)到游戏title画面会有一小段动画,几声枪响之后是Dante的声音“Let’s rock, baby!”。另外“Let’s rock!”在几作里多次出现,Devil May Cry M23在开飞机操作之前,Devil May Cry 3 M1开场CG Dante砸坏电唱机之前标志性的“This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!”,Devil May Cry 4 M20结束后即将进入Staff前Nero最后一句话和Epilogue 2 Dante, Trish, Lady三人摆出无比拉轰的pose同时说的话

    You can’t handle it

    Upgrade Dante’s Devil Trigger to maximum

    Devil May Cry 3 - M19 boss战中途CG,Vergil登场时对Arkham说的话

    Dude, the show’s over!

    Find all of the Keys

    Devil May Cry 3 - M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Dante说的话

    Let’s welcome chaos!

    Open all of the Secret Doors

    Devil May Cry 3 - M13 boss战后CG,Vergil, Dante, Lady三人把武器架在Jester/Arkham肩上时Arkham说的最后一句话(说完就把三人撂倒了……)

    And you are set free

    Free half of the Lost Souls

    Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战结束CG,Dante获得武器Lucifer之后演示并耍酷的片段,最后把玫瑰花扔向剑时说的话


    Complete a mission with a SSS rank

    Devil May Cry / 2 / 3 / 4 / 战斗即时评价

    That is what I live for!

    Complete all missions on the Heaven or Hell difficulty

    Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束CG,Dante和Lady发现还有没消灭的恶魔,即将进入Staff时Dante说的话

    This party’s just getting crazy!

    Complete 10 Secret Missions

    Devil May Cry 3 - M1开场CG Dante砸坏电唱机之前标志性的“This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!”

    The end? Don’t bet on it

    Complete the final mission on Human, Devil Hunter or Nephilim difficulty

    Devil May Cry 3 - M1开场CG Dante最后一句话(之后进入战斗场景)

    Looks like we have a winner

    lay 5,000 Demons

    Devil May Cry - M23 boss战,Dante借助Trish的力量击败Mundus,在Jackpot前Trish说的话

    ower… Give me more power

    urchase all of Dante’s combat upgrades

    Devil May Cry 4 - M6关卡中段CG,Devil Arm的力量修复了Yamato,Nero首次魔化时说的话

    Fill your dark soul with light

    Free all of the Lost Souls

    Devil May Cry - M22结束CG,Dante抱着Trish的尸体哭泣,完整原句是“I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiiight!!”(伴有回音……回音……回音……)

    Keeps getting better and better

    Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions (difficulty doesn’t matter)

    Devil May Cry - M3结束CG,Dante初遇Lady,Lady骑着摩托车从Dante头顶飞过之后Dante的自言自语

    Too easy!

    Complete all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty

    Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战结束后CG,Dante得到新武器Cerberus,试用之后说的话。同时也是使用Cerberus普通CC技收招时语音。

    One hell of a party!

    Complete all of the Secret Missions

    Devil May Cry 3 - M1结束CG,Dante踹门之前说的话,完整原句是“I can already tell, looks like this is going to be one hell of a party!”

    Devils never cry

    Complete all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty

    多次出现:Devil May Cry - M23结束,Trish在Dante怀里哭泣时Dante说的话。而在整部游戏结束CG(也就是跟staff连在一起的)里Dante的店改名为Devil Never Dry(区别就在单复数……)Devil May Cry 2 - Dante’s disc M18 / Lucia’s disc M13 进入关卡前第二段CG里Dante对Lucia说的话。同一关卡结尾CG里Lucia回想Dante说过的话。Lucia’s disc M13 boss战结束后CG里Lucia也说过Devil May Cry 3 - M20结束,Dante从塔中走出来到废墟上遇到Lady之后的对话。Lady: “Are you crying?” Dante: “It’s only the rain.” Lady: “The rain already stopped.” Dante: “Devils never cry.”Devil May Cry 3主题曲曲名

    And welcome to Hell!

    Complete all missions on the Hell and Hell difficulty

    Devil May Cry 3 - M5开场CG,Jester第二句话。


    Complete all missions on the Nephilim difficulty with a SSS rank

    Devil May Cry - M23 Dante给Mundus的最后一枪Devil May Cry 3 - M19 Dante和Vergil联手给Arkham的最后一枪Devil May Cry 4 - M20 Nero战斗过程中用投技给予boss最后一击的时候说了jackpot,但是因为伴随着战斗BGM和各种音效所以不太容易听出来




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