成就名称 |
达成要求 |
出处 |
latinum Trophy |
Collect all DmC Devil May Cry Trophies |
Time to go to work guys! |
urchase your first upgrade |
Devil May Cry - 开场CG,Trish用剑穿了Dante的胸还用了电击,取笑“Didn't your daddy teach you how to use a sword?”之后抄起摩托车向Dante砸过去。Dante说完这句话之后用双枪将摩托车打爆。 |
Come on Puppy. Let’s go! |
Defeat your pursuer |
Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战前,调戏(XD)三头犬Cerberus,伴随着一个弯下腰拍巴掌的招猫逗狗的动作。 |
It’s got to stay in the family |
Acquire Arbiter |
Devil May Cry 4 - M10 boss战结束,Dante向Nero说明自己为什么要拿回Yamato(但是马上就因为Nero一句“I need this”送出去了……) |
Thing drives me crazy |
Acquire Osiris |
Devil May Cry 4 - M2 boss战结束。原句是“Damn thing drives me crazy though” |
Only kind of gift worth giving |
Acquire the Angel Boost ability |
Devil May Cry 4 - 结局Epilogue 1,Nero要把Yamato还给Dante但是Dante让他“Keep it”,Nero不解。原句是“That’s the only kind of gift worth giving” |
Flock off, feather-face! |
urvive the encounter with the Tyrant |
Devil May Cry - M9 初遇Griffin |
This baby sure can pack a punch |
Acquire Eryx |
Devil May Cry 4 - M2第一场战斗之前,教堂外一片混乱,Nero让Kyrie先走。用Red Queen击杀若干只恶魔之后自言自语,表示武器用着很顺手 |
He’s a demon too |
Help Phineas retrieve his eye |
Devil May Cry 3 - M7 Lady从空中掉落被Dante抓住,Lady开了一枪打中Dante眉心却发现Dante没事,自言自语。 |
You are not a Human, are you? |
Acquire the Devil Trigger ability |
Devil May Cry 3 - M3 boss战结束,Cerberus第一句话。 |
o talking! |
Acquire Aquila |
Devil May Cry 3 - M5 boss战结束,Agni & Rudra希望Dante带上它们,Dante提出“Okay, but on one condition.”(嫌双刀太吵了XD)Dante获得新武器试用耍酷一番之后Rudra称赞一句“impressive”马上被Dante敲了头又说了一遍“No talking” |
More than just a few sparks |
Acquire Revenant |
Devil May Cry 4 - M16 boss战结束,Dante用最后一枪让Berial化成了无数火花之后的自言自语,原句是“That’s a letdown… I was hoping for a bit more than just a few sparks…” |
Whatever, Lady |
Defeat Mundus Spawn |
Devil May Cry 3 - M9开场CG,Dante和Lady合作击杀恶魔,Dante边打边问Lady的名字,Lady回答随便,Dante自言自语(说完这句就自己跑了让妹子一个人打架你也真好意思……) |
You’re not going to shoot me |
Acquire Kablooey |
Devil May Cry 3 - M12开场CG,Dante受不了Jester的废话于是用枪顶着Jester的鼻子,Jester原话是“You’re not going to shoot me, are you?” |
It’s time to finish this! |
Help Vergil open the Vault |
Devil May Cry 4 - M20开场CG,Nero马上要与Sanctus开始最终战,Dante的声音从外面传来……(- - 相关文章相关软件2345安全卫士最新官方版2345安全卫士官方版 | 45.34MB 360杀毒软件官方正式版360杀毒软件官方正式版 | 35.10MB 360安全卫士最新版下载360安全卫士最新版下载 | 50.3MB QQ电脑管家官方正式版QQ电脑管家官方正式版 | 24.2MB 金山毒霸2022最新版下载金山毒霸2022下载 | 37MB 猎豹清理大师官方版下载猎豹清理大师下载 | 47.4MB 推荐资讯 总人气榜
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